Innovative concepts for accessing, searching, analysing and using multiple Digital Twins...
MACHINAIDE, Machine builders are collecting data related to their products within different formats and tools since several years. The number of related Digital Twins increases each time, products of other manufacturers become included in the own one, or in case of acquiring other companies. MACHINAIDE aims to support innovative concepts for accessing
The project aims to support innovative concepts for accessing, searching, analysing and using multiple Digital Twins data for the major purpose of increasing usability and functional up-grading of machines and equipment within the crane, additive manufacturing and dairy farming domains, as well as optimization of processes. It will be in line with European, National and international initiatives towards smart industry and application of Artificial Intelligence for Europe. Considering latest activities in digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, MACHINAIDE’s major goals are, exploiting Digital Twins data, interoperability of multiple Digital Twins hosting eco-systems, increased usability of machines – all enabled through application of AI methods - and innovative HMIs as well as definition of new business models, enabling innovative services.